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Lady Silver
(According To Her Opponents)
What kind of weirdo marries someone they know from Descent? :D

I'm glad to be your friend. We had some great LAN matches, and great LAN hangouts. Here's to many more!

So many great memories. So much joy—and lifetime friendships! Thanks for everything. I’ll leave you with this—I’m guessing you know what it is.

...And I think to myself... what a wonderful world.

You make me wish I had 4 props to give. You shaped a lot of my play on the DCL and gave me some tough matches to boot. I remember beating you 20-3 in the Bill the Cat D1 port, but you never backed down and never shied away. We were ALWAYS competitive in D3. You were OBSESSED with beating me in Inferno, and you eventually did! We played so many overtime matches, more than I think I have with any other pilot. Eventually you zoomed past me in D1, too, and to this day you are still a fearsome pilot. You should totally come school me in Overload some time! :)

Niece Silver,

You were a little caterpillar that became a beautiful butterfly right before my eyes.

I am grateful that the DCL/Descent brought us together and I am proud of the metaMORFosis you went through.

I hope we have many more drinks and songs to be had together!

Words arent enough. GG's; I'm privileged to have seen it all happen.

We've briefly played against each other before, but on Roncli's Observatory rather than on the DCL. But even that brief time in May of 2020 was pretty memorable. I'll not forget the Laser Cannon exchanges we had in Shogun Tournament '99, and I'm pretty sure I saved the demo of that fight too. It was kinda weird but fun. Before then, I've known of you through hearing your name a lot in regards to Obs and the DCL, and I've seen your skills in action streamed through Roncli's Twitch channel, and it is impressive. I hope you continue to have fun with Descent in the future.
