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# 25roncli22 20The Silver Caboose# 37
2 suicides
"GG! Yeah, as I was trying to chase them from channel at 19-19, I come around the corner and get wrecked by plasma I didn't even see. But, that was fun! 2 fusion kills."

Demo link
"Got interrupted in mumble during overtime. Completely ruined the match. Good game otherwise."
Also, blind map for me, but it's easy to pick up. - roncli
Is there a way to lock channels in mumble during games? Because this literally could not have been a worse interruption. It wasn't their fault that they dropped in at the perfect moment, but it was an element to the game that threw us both off and I fully believe it cost us a natural conclusion to this game. - The Silver Caboose
In theory, yes, but it would need an admin to do it (you'd have to set ACLs etc, or at least a password to the channel). - Sirius
You can control ACLs on temporary channels you create in the "other games" area. But it's also a point of etiquette to be quiet when entering a game channel. I like to check the tracker to see if I'll be disturbing anything particularly tense. - Drakona
I just leave mumble, takes care of any mumble interruptions! :) - SSJ-Goku
mark, i have no idea what mumble interruptions you may be referring to - Exfore
I honestly feel that it was intentional. Someone saw it was 19-19, saw it was Ashes, and came in to the channel. Even after MULTIPLE notifications that we were in an overtime match, they didn't leave. I know we like to leave it PG-13, but Wil Wheaton rule guys... don't be a dick. - roncli
They did eventually leave, I think it was just a listening thing. Can't really see a reasonable chance that it was intentional considering what I know of the guys involved - they don't troll people like that. I can only guess they thought either not much was going on or it wasn't too serious since I was also in the channel (even though I wasn't speaking) - the only thing I can come up with is "be more careful", but whether that message will reach all the people it needs to reach (especially those who aren't even on the DCL)... it *is* the sort of problem I'd fix with permissions if possible because people get careless. - Sirius
Regardless of intention, it was a serious disruption and I was salty about this one for days. - Ashes